Compost Collection Made Easy.
According to the EPA, in 2013 the US generated 254 million tons of waste. 37 million tons of that was food waste. Guess how much was recovered through composting efforts? 5%... We can do better than that!
Our mission is to increase food waste recovery by making the process of compost collection much easier. We hope you join us!
Here's how it works - Attach Hoop™ to the rim of your existing trash can. Open Hoop™ and discard food waste, vegetable trimmings, coffee grounds and any other organic waste. Any spill-over stays in the trash, greatly reducing the mess commonly associated with traditional compost bins. Close Hoop™ to create a contact seal helping reduce odor and fruit flies. The best part, Hoop™ in out of sight and not on your kitchen counter!
Improves kitchen cleanliness
Out of the way & less visible
Reduce odor & fruit flies
Reduces regular plastic bag usage
Easy to install & clean
Who can use Hoop™? - Anyone can use Hoop™ regardless of whether they compost at home or not, and many cities are allowing residents to discard organic waste with yard trimming in their green bins. If you do compost at home, Hoop™ is perfect for helping make it easy to separate organic waste in-home and carry out to where your compost pile is located. The same is true for residents of cities that allow organic waste to be discarded in the city provided green bins. If neither apply, you can still benefit from reduced kitchen trash odor and reduction of plastic trash bag use by using Hoop™ to separate organic waste and discard separately.
How do I know if my city collects organic waste with green bins? - Many cities have had organic waste collection programs for years and the good news is more are added all the time. In general, we've found that beach communities in Los Angeles and much of the San Francisco Bay Area have organic waste collection programs. Cities in Oregon including Portland and cities in Washington including Seattle also have supporting programs. The best way to find out is to go to your city website and search "compost". Just like plastic, aluminum and paper recycling has become the standard rather than exception, so too will become of organic waste collection for compost.
Hoop™ in the news: The Beach Report "Taking the ‘ick factor’ out of composting"
Our Story
Hoop™ is home grown and born from a desire to collect for compost and struggle with traditional methods. Here's our story.
Hoop Relaunch
Tired of traditional compost collection methods? Or just ready to start collecting for compost? Make it easy using a Hoop™!